rash on inner thigh like tiny pimples
bumps on inner thigh near groin - MedHelp
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i am an 18 year old female. ive been shaving my pubic area for months, maybe even a year, and recently i have noticed tiny scattered red bumps on the pubic region
About a week ago I noticed a white-ish area on my upper lip.it was like a thick white-colored patch going over my upper lip. When I pulled my lip tight I could see
pubic area rash? small scattered red.
bumps on inner thigh near groin - MedHelp Vagina burns & small red rashes around.
27.08.2008 · Sounds like a form of versicolor. Do the spots look as if the skin is slightly raised? Like a layer of raised skin puffy maybe? Kinda hard to describe
For the past week I have had a rash on my.
rash on inner thigh like tiny pimples
Non itchy red spots, spreading down inner.
What is a red rash that is made of slightly raised bumps on your inner thigh and stomach and some on the back of the thigh and arms and what can be done about it?
Alright, around a year ago I got a rash on both of my upper thighs near my scrotum that consisted of red dots around eraser tip sized. They didn't itch and I wouldn't
rash on inner thigh like tiny pimples
skin rash that looks like ringworm.For the past week I have had a rash on my.